Carve out the middle of two large portobello mushrooms with a table spoon
Cut some strips of bacon, spring onion and sprinkle some cheese.
Crack on egg in the centre and sprinkle again with more cheese
Add some salt and pepper and drizzle with some olive oil
Place on some foil in the centre of a baking tray and bake for 8 minutes
Serve with half an avocado
Category: diet supplements
Health Benefits of Spinach
Comprehensive Weight Loss Plan Tips

Maintaining a healthy weight can be tough, especially during this time of buffets and giant-portion-sized meals. A lot of people, who have tried and failed with their weight loss plans, don’t believe diets work for them. They are probably right in a sense. Traditional diets don’t work in the long term. There’s a need to have a weight loss plan that incorporates a diet plan as well as a good exercise routine. It is one way to avoid the common dieting drawbacks and get a more lasting weight loss success
In order to control your weight, you just need to do some balancing in your life. If you consume a lot of calories than you burn, then, you will gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than, the amount you burn then you reduce weight
Around 3,500 calories is equivalent to a pound of fat. A comprehensive weight loss plan calls for a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Decreasing the consumption of calories by 500 from the daily diet will allow a person to lose one pound per week. It looks simple on paper but hard to implement in the daily lives.
Most people make the mistake of going into extreme diets that will leave them starving and cranky. They also make unhealthy lifestyle choices that go against their dieting efforts. The good news is that there’s a better way to lose weight without having to feel miserable. A comprehensive weight loss plan will allow you to make the right choices each day and develop new eating habits. A healthy lifestyle will let you win the battle of the bulge.
There is no single solution that will work for everyone. A weight loss plan must be made specifically for the person. It involves a lifestyle change and not just a short term, crash diet. You must be committed to make permanent changes in food choices and lifestyle in order to keep the weight from coming back.
When trying to lose weight, it is best to lose a pound or two a week to maintain a healthy weight loss. When the weight loss is too fast, the mind and body will suffer. The person will be sluggish, sick and drained the whole day. Fast weight loss involves losing muscles and water instead of fat.
Diet Plan
For a low-calorie, low-fat diet plan, you don’t need to starve yourself. You can fill yourself up as long as you choose the right foods. The secret to a healthy weight loss program is fibre. High fibre foods take a longer time to digest that makes them more filling. Some examples of high fibre foods include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.
A comprehensive weight loss plan involves enjoying lots of vegetables and fruits. They are generally safer to eat as many as you like. There’s no need to count calories or measure the portions. They have high fibre and water content that will make it hard for you to overeat. You’ll be full before you go over your required calorie count.
Vegetables should be eaten steamed or raw. They should not be breaded or fried. You can dress them with spices and herbs for flavour. You can add cheese and nuts to salads. You should use low-fat salad dressings, such as vinaigrette made of olive oil. From breakfast, pour less cereal to make room for strawberries, sliced bananas, or blueberries.
Workout Routine
A comprehensive weight loss plan should also incorporate a simple workout routine. Exercise is one of the important elements of the diet plan. It not only burns calories but also improve the body’s resting metabolism. Studies suggested that three ten-minute exercises a day are as good as one thirty minute workout session.
You don’t need to go to the gym in order to go your workouts. Some of the best fat burning exercises that should be part of your routine include burpees, jumping lunges, jack-knife crunches, push ups, side planks with leg raises, jumping jacks and lateral jumps to name a few.
The workout routine of the weight loss plan must engage multiple muscle groups at the same time. This is vital especially if you don’t have a lot of spare time for exercise each day. High-intensity interval training workouts are seen to be effective in losing weight.
Getting Fit for Summer

If you’re not 100 per cent confident about your body weight or shape, and the sight of someone coming towards you in a T-shirt or shorts makes you feel anxious about the thought of revealing your body, then it’s time to start working on your summer diet. And although many people just want to look good for that short period of time when the sunshine arrives, there is no better time than to make the healthy living choices that will lead to long-term well being.
It’s more than vanity
Sometimes we dismiss our ideas of slimming for a beach-fit body as vanity, but it is more than that. The reason why a well-sculpted body in a swimsuit looks so appealing is because it is a picture of health, and evolution has resulted in us being attracted to signs of health. Looking good in public also allows us to cast off our inhibitions and become more of the people we want to be. This makes us happier and improves everything from our intimate relationships, our role model as a parent and our working and social lives.
Three steps to fitness
There is, and probably never will be, no one diet that suits everyone. Instead there are two main principles and one extra helping hand that together will inevitably lead to improved health and fitness.
Depending on your circumstances, weight loss might be high on your agenda, so you’ll be pleased to learn that safe weight loss is purely a matter of sensible calorie control and moderate exercise. A healthy diet that is conducive to weight loss will do two things: reduce the conversion of calories to fat and ensure we have enough nutrients to keep us in good health. Reducing the overall number of calories we consume is, of course, the key behind calorie control, but there are also ways we can make our bodies less prone to storing calories as fat, while promoting the use of fat as a fuel source.
Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids (including avocados, walnuts and kidney beans) help to inhibit the storage of glucose in fat cells, while calcium binds with bile cells to help us excrete more fat; calcium is found in milk, broccoli and cheese. Foods containing the carotenoid astaxanthin (prawns, langoustines, lobster, etc.) have a thermogenic effect, raising the body’s temperature and ensuring more fat is burnt. Catechin in green tea is also thought to have this effect on the body, as are diet supplements containing spices, chilli or caffeine.
The second element of a healthy lifestyle is moderate exercise, including running, swimming and cycling. Either of these activities, combined with a light weight-bearing element, will help you to convert fat into muscle. A pound of muscle burns up to an extra 50 calories a day compared with the same weight of fat – and looks a whole lot nicer too.
The third element to achieving a healthy lifestyle is the careful use of diet supplements. As the word ‘supplement’ suggests, these should be used as part of a healthy diet to boost results; after all, summer is getting very close.
How Can Raspberry Ketones Help with Weight Loss?

The cutting edge of weight loss is an exciting place to be with obesity such a problem and people desperately looking for a slimming solution that doesn’t need drastic measures or a surgical procedure….
Safe weight loss is of paramount importance to a healthy society and there have been countless health and weight loss claims put forward by people providing evidence of diet success by taking food supplements.
If you are preparing your summer diet, you should avail yourself of all the information possible before making a purchase decision.
Raspberry ketones are phenolic compounds, a class of natural substances found in plants. They are part of what gives raspberries their delicious aroma and, as a result, are used in small amounts as flavourings (in such things as carbonated drinks, ice-cream and cosmetics) and perfumes.
The link with raspberry ketones and burning calories started about 15 years ago with strong evidence that these compounds had a powerful effect on lipolysis (fat metabolism).
In 2005, in Japan, experiments on mice on a high-fat diet found that those given raspberry ketones metabolised fat more quickly, reducing their fat levels. A later Korean study on fat in test-tubes provided more evidence that the phenolic compounds sped up fat metabolism. There have also been tests on rats and rabbits but still the well being industry waits for conclusive answers.
The most famous of all is a feature on the Dr. Oz show where raspberry ketones were shown to break down fat molecules thus assisting weight loss. Dr. Oz called raspberry ketone supplements a “miracle in a bottle”.
While most well being experts would probably agree that it is likely that raspberry ketone diet supplements would affect fat metabolism in humans, there is naturally a healthy caution about the correct dosage for safe weight loss. This is thought to be 500-600mg per day. Some fruit extracts containing raspberry ketones have a history of significant use within the EU, prompting the UK’s FSA to update its previous blanket advice on the ‘novel food’ classification of the compounds.
Healthy living is not always a clear cut issue, and we must always work together to balance the needs for calorie control and overall well being. Of course, any supplements should only ever be used as part of a healthy diet.
WBP: Steps to a Healthy 2014 – Start Today!

Explore our top tips and achieve the body you’ve always wanted! Read more…
Take your time and eat slowly. Check your watch. Start eating. When you’re done, check your watch again. How long did it take? Your goal is at least 15 to 20 minutes per meal. You need that long in order to let your body tell your brain that you’re full. Spend time enjoying what you’re eating. You’ll enjoy food more, and get lean too.
Eat yourself till “80% full”. It means you eat until you’re just satisfied. Don’t get hung up on exactly what “80% full” is, shoot for the general idea and feel satisfied with your meal. Remember: eat slow and be patience. But once you get the hang of learning your physical cues, this one will be a breeze and trust us it WORKS!
Eat and Drink Healthy. Water has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it’s just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves. Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls — will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating, especially around your belly. Try replacing these with vegetables. The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full for longer. Eat salmon every other lunch. It is packed with nutrients that build muscle tone and give your skin a healthy glow. Some nutritionists claim that consuming a portion (doesn’t matter how it’s cooked) may immediately make your face look a bit more contoured.
Step 4
Shrink your portions! A portion of food on a smaller plate appears relatively large so you will end up putting less of it on. Studies have shown that changing from a 10” plate to an 8” causes people to eat on average 20% less. Try switching your plate sizes and see if it works for you. Don’t pile your plate up high and remember to eat SLOWLY. Taking time to eat your food will encourage you to enjoy each meal.
Make One Food Sacrifice. Cutting out one indulgence — such as the chips you have with lunch or the chocolate dessert you eat after dinner — can subtract a few hundred calories from your diet, which translates into less flab.
A small change can make a big difference! We have heard it countless times but little changes to your daily routine truly can make a huge difference to the way you look and feel. If you take the bus to work, get off one stop earlier than usual then walk the rest of the way. Or if you are presented with the option of taking the stairs or the escalator, go for the stairs. Same goes to eating healthy, try to use skimmed or semi skimmed milk rather than full fat, grilled food rather than fried, etc.
Get some Zzzz! Sleep helps your recovery ability and how your body responds to nutrients, exercise, and stress. The more sleep you get, the leaner you are. At least 1-2 hours before bed, turn off the TV, computer, and cell phone. Prepare yourself for sleep and get into the forty-wink mindset. Try to sleep at regular times. Studies have shown that an erratic sleep routine leads to weight gain.
You can get great results with about 3 hours of exercise per week. Make those hours count. We suggest:
1. Do cardio 30 Minutes a day for at least 5 days a week. Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you’ll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, such as rowing or spinning. The best way to get maximum benefit from these 30 minute workouts is to do them on an empty stomach in the morning. By having no food in the system at this time, the body will automatically burn calories stored in fat reserves for energy.
2. Two days a week, do sprint intervals for about 15 minutes.
3. Do about 10 minutes of warmup each day. Ensure to spend time doing moderate movement such as walking, swimming, yoga etc.
Get social support! Willpower is a very limited thing so never count on it. Instead, build a support network that helps you get to your goals. Make key aspects of your healthy lifestyle convenient: Keep good foods in your house and ensure your gym location works within your lifestyle. Surround yourself with people who support your goals; take a class, join a group and build a strong social support network of fit and healthy people.