Category: healthy living
Homemade gluten free turkey burger recipe
Home Made Turkey Burgers
Lean turkey thigh mince 3% fat
1 egg
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of pepper
Jerk seasoning
2 Beef Oxo cubes
Gluten free plain flour
Using a mixing bowl mix mince by hand with the egg, adding salt, pepper, a tablespoon of jerk seasoning and both oxo cubes
Sprinkle flour lightly over worktop or put down baking paper to prevent the mess.
When mixture is thick and smooth grab handful of mince and roll into a ball in your hand and then roll in the flour to cover all of the outside thoroughly then patt down flat with your hand to desired burger thickness – thinner burgers work better
Repeat until you have no mince left
Add a drizzle of olive oil to a frying pan and fry each side for approx 4 minutes until brown and cooked in the middle
1 large pack of mince should make roughly 8 burgers
Savoury Breakfast Pancakes
#EatLikeAPro Recipes
Comprehensive Weight Loss Plan Tips

Maintaining a healthy weight can be tough, especially during this time of buffets and giant-portion-sized meals. A lot of people, who have tried and failed with their weight loss plans, don’t believe diets work for them. They are probably right in a sense. Traditional diets don’t work in the long term. There’s a need to have a weight loss plan that incorporates a diet plan as well as a good exercise routine. It is one way to avoid the common dieting drawbacks and get a more lasting weight loss success
In order to control your weight, you just need to do some balancing in your life. If you consume a lot of calories than you burn, then, you will gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than, the amount you burn then you reduce weight
Around 3,500 calories is equivalent to a pound of fat. A comprehensive weight loss plan calls for a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Decreasing the consumption of calories by 500 from the daily diet will allow a person to lose one pound per week. It looks simple on paper but hard to implement in the daily lives.
Most people make the mistake of going into extreme diets that will leave them starving and cranky. They also make unhealthy lifestyle choices that go against their dieting efforts. The good news is that there’s a better way to lose weight without having to feel miserable. A comprehensive weight loss plan will allow you to make the right choices each day and develop new eating habits. A healthy lifestyle will let you win the battle of the bulge.
There is no single solution that will work for everyone. A weight loss plan must be made specifically for the person. It involves a lifestyle change and not just a short term, crash diet. You must be committed to make permanent changes in food choices and lifestyle in order to keep the weight from coming back.
When trying to lose weight, it is best to lose a pound or two a week to maintain a healthy weight loss. When the weight loss is too fast, the mind and body will suffer. The person will be sluggish, sick and drained the whole day. Fast weight loss involves losing muscles and water instead of fat.
Diet Plan
For a low-calorie, low-fat diet plan, you don’t need to starve yourself. You can fill yourself up as long as you choose the right foods. The secret to a healthy weight loss program is fibre. High fibre foods take a longer time to digest that makes them more filling. Some examples of high fibre foods include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.
A comprehensive weight loss plan involves enjoying lots of vegetables and fruits. They are generally safer to eat as many as you like. There’s no need to count calories or measure the portions. They have high fibre and water content that will make it hard for you to overeat. You’ll be full before you go over your required calorie count.
Vegetables should be eaten steamed or raw. They should not be breaded or fried. You can dress them with spices and herbs for flavour. You can add cheese and nuts to salads. You should use low-fat salad dressings, such as vinaigrette made of olive oil. From breakfast, pour less cereal to make room for strawberries, sliced bananas, or blueberries.
Workout Routine
A comprehensive weight loss plan should also incorporate a simple workout routine. Exercise is one of the important elements of the diet plan. It not only burns calories but also improve the body’s resting metabolism. Studies suggested that three ten-minute exercises a day are as good as one thirty minute workout session.
You don’t need to go to the gym in order to go your workouts. Some of the best fat burning exercises that should be part of your routine include burpees, jumping lunges, jack-knife crunches, push ups, side planks with leg raises, jumping jacks and lateral jumps to name a few.
The workout routine of the weight loss plan must engage multiple muscle groups at the same time. This is vital especially if you don’t have a lot of spare time for exercise each day. High-intensity interval training workouts are seen to be effective in losing weight.
Simple changes in diet to help with fitness

Adding certain foods to your diet will almost always result in an additional boost to fitness goals. Below there are just a few foods that serve this purpose. Some of them have been called “Super Fruits” for good reason. Some of the healthiest and most effective super fruits are gelatinous fibers such as Chia seeds and Aloe Vera and Chlorophyll containing plants such as parsley and coriander.
A good way to help with diet is juicing fresh fruit every morning and adding one or more of the following ingredients to the mix. Try to have different colour fruits to get the most out of them.
Chia seeds are a concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium. Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain food that can be absorbed by the body as seeds (unlike flaxseeds). One ounce (about 2 tablespoons) contains 139 calories, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams fat, 12 grams carbohydrates and 11 grams of fiber, plus vitamins and minerals.
Aloe Vera can be in a gel or latex form. We recommend drinking Aloe Vera juice which is the ultimate healthy habit, as it aids in weight loss, digestion, immune function, and even easing general discomfort.
Adding parsley or coriander to a fresh fruit drink will give additional benefits of Chlorophyll which is a green pigment found in plants. Chlorophyll is used for constipation, detoxification and wound healing.

T5 slimming pills (also known as T5 fat burners) are the latest legal and effective weight loss products on the market.
By combining ancient wisdom and modern science, these safe weight loss supplements are rapidly gaining a reputation as the best diet pills for helping to shift stubborn fat and improve muscle definition. So what is it about T5 fat burners that are so great for weight loss?
Thermogenics – ramping up metabolism
Our T5 slimming pills are proven fat burners due to the presence of two key thermogenic products. Put simply, these are ingredients that subtly increase our natural metabolism , making us more like those enviable people who seem to lose weight fast naturally. The first is caffeine, well known as a thermogenic fat burner, while the second is a bit more obscure: bitter orange peel!
Bitter orange peel has been known by the Chinese to both increase metabolism and suppress appetite for a long time. By incorporating this time-honoured natural weight loss ingredient into our product, we have created one of the best slimming pills available for bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
As a thermogenic fat burner, the T5 slimming pill will help you to create a cycle which leads to ever more productive weight loss. Once your metabolism is ticking over nicely and you feel more active and alert (caffeine also has this property), you will get more out of your workout. And if you weren’t already aware, the extra muscle you will put on following your workout will itself aid your weight loss efforts. Muscle is heavier than fat, so requires more energy to move, hence you will then start to lose weight even more efficiently.
Help Lose Weight Safely
Not only are T5 slimming pills one of the few diet pills that work, they are also completely legal and safe. They do not contain the banned substance ephedrine which is a dangerous thermogenic drug, and the amounts of caffeine will cause no problems unless you are very sensitive to it.
Time Release Technology
Finally, one of the main reasons that T5 nutrient-rich pills are effective, is that they employ state-of-the-art time release technology, which means the beneficial chemicals are released gradually into your blood in a controlled manner.
So if you’re looking for slimming pills that work, it could be that our proven fat burners will bring you the effective weight loss success you’re after.
Lose weight in time for the summer holidays

With summer just round the corner the pressure is well and truly on to look in great shape for the beach. A healthy diet doesn’t have to be starving or depriving yourself from delicious foods. It is all about making the right choices at the right times.
Below you will find a selection of fat burning super food ingredients and tips to help lose the extra pounds with minimal effort.
Calcium – Growing evidence suggests that a calcium rich diet allows us to burn more calories and help the body get rid of fat. Calcium binds with bile acids and increases the amount of fat we excrete through the bowel – so instead of storing it we lose it. Foods rich in calcium include cheese, milk, broccoli, rhubarb and salmon. Full fat milk and cheese should be avoided, low fat alternatives should be consumed instead.
Omega 3 – Found in the likes of oily fish, kidney beans, chickpeas, garden peas, avocado and walnuts, studies suggest Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the great secrets to permanent fat loss. They help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, inhibit the storage of calories as fat, encourage glucose to be stored in muscle cells instead of fat cells and increase thermogenesis – the production of heat by cells within the body causing fat to be used as fuel and calories burned.
Astaxanthin – A carotenoid that gives salmon, prawns, langoustine, rainbow trout and lobster their pink colour has been shown to increase the usage of fat as an energy source and accelerate fat burning during exercise.
The rules:
Eat only fruit until 11.30am – it’s easier to digest if eaten on its own. A poor digestive process will severely affect any weight loss efforts.
Have a bowl of soup at lunchtime, and a plate of salad too.
Avoid the starchy carbs allowed in the diet after 6pm unless you exercise in the evening (sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, couscous, brown rice, quinoa).
Have plenty of vegetables or a big salad with every meal.
Eat small meals often to keep fat burning going all day and avoid energy dips and cravings.
Avoid white rice, bread and pasta as they give only short-lived energy, provide few nutrients and don’t fill you up for long.
Get 30 minutes of physical activity every day, ideally on an empty stomach first thing in the morning when you burn fat more efficiently for as long as eight hours afterwards.
Drink water every two to three hours – every chemical reaction in the body from extracting nutrients from food to encouraging fat burning needs water to get a result.
Use one of our supplements to help with motivation and speed up results.
Spring Diet Tips

Make dieting easier with helpful tips from our blog. WellBeing Pro…. Weight Loss and More
Spring is well and truly here. The sunshine seems to provide extra motivation to get in shape fro the summer. Here you will find a few tips to make the most out of the season and achieve the results you are after.
Turn off the TV and head outdoors. There simply are no excuses to be stuck indoors watching TV and eating junk food. Go for a walk or even better, a run. Don’t forget the water bottle. The warm weather will make it taste so much more refreshing.
Invest in a BBQ grill. Flame grilled food is not only healthier than fried, but it will also taste better without adding calorie rich sauces. Barbecues are also great for socialising. Just remember to minimise or cut out completely the alcohol consumption.
Stick to seasonal fruit and vegetables. Visit local markets for fresh produce which is healthy and full of goodness. Research has shown that “fresh” fruit and veg from abroad loses most of its nutrients by the time it has reached the shelves. Local produce on the other hand will not have this issue and should also be cheaper.
Eat more lean meats and fish. Lean meats such as chicken and turkey are rich in protein and low in fat making them perfect for most diets. Fish is also rich in protein as well as Omega-3 fatty acids which lower your risk of heart disease mainly by lowering triglycerides and countering inflammation. Focus on oily fish such as mackerel, trout and salmon for the highest Omega-3 content.
Stay away from the kitchen after dinner. As the days get longer, temptation gets greater to have a snack after dinner. Try to avoid this by reading a book, going for a walk or socialising. Ideally no food should be consumed later than 2 hours before going to bed.
Drink plenty of water. With the weather getting warmer there is a greater risk of dehydration. Top up the fluid intake regularly during the day. We recommend having a glass of water immediately after waking up, before each meal, before and during a workout and before bed. This will boost the metabolism as well as keep you refreshed and help with detox.
Power training or light exercise?

Find out which training method better suits what you are trying to achieve. Explore our blog….
It all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Power training is designed to increase muscle mass and generally individuals doing this will gain some weight in muscle, fat or a combination of both. Light exercise is mainly used to maintain weight as well as add muscle definition.
Important points when engaging in power training:
Eat well. Several high protein meals must be consumed throughout the day. It is also important to have a meal 2-3 hours before training to allow time for the food to be properly digested and energy needed to be released. A typical pre workout meal would consist of a high protein meat such as chicken or turkey and complex carbohydrates such as vegetables and potato.
Heavy weights and low reps. In order to build muscle in a reasonably short period of time, it is essential that heavy weight sets and short breaks are applied. Typically sets of 10-12 on maximum resistance coupled with breaks of 30-60 seconds.
Allow time to repair. Training sessions must be alternated between different muscle groups to allow time for muscles to repair. Power training will result in muscles being literally ripped and a couple of days are needed for the repair to take effect. A good protein supplement coupled with creatine and BCAAs will help speed up the recovery process.
Light exercise points:
Persistence is key. Although generally low intensity, light exercise sessions typically last a lot longer than power training. In order for maximum results to be achieved, regular sessions of over 1 hour are needed.
Cardio is king. Cardio sessions up the heart rate and increase temperature thus burning more calories and fat. They are particularly effective for problem areas such as around the stomach and thighs.
Eat healthy. All the exercise in the world will not get you anywhere if you have a poor diet. Try eating more lean meats and vegetables and cut down on breads, pasta, sweets, ready meals and desserts.